Advertising on

Our online city guide,, welcomes 100,000 visitors per month and features over 1.5 million banner ad impressions per month. With DoubleClick's DART technology, we can target your market and meet all of your company's advertising needs. We will also provide reports detailing impressions and click throughs upon the completion of every campaign.

All advertising inquiries should be directed to our sales staff

The Scope Gallery does not accept advertising in the gallery, but if you are interested in sponsoring a show, please send email to the curator: Linda Griggs


HiTS greatly increases the speed of web site and application development. Many of our products at Mediabridge are built upon this easy to use template system. While the template system is HTML-like and SGML-compliant for ease of use, it also includes a robust infrastructure which can be extended by developers.

HTML Authors can change the look and feel of web pages without asking for changes from software developers, can define common graphical features in one file without updating every single document and are given a world of new possibilities for more dynamic documents.

Web Developers can define custom tags to fit the problem at hand, can generate thousands of pages automatically, without worrying about HTML formatting, and will have a toolchest of advanced tags to build from.

< HiTS::Oracle >
This HiTS module supports placing SQL queries directly into templated web pages which can be accessed in real-time or pre-generated. Changes can be made quickly and easily by editing template files without recompiling. (Support for several other databases available.)

< HiTS::Perl, HiTS::Tcl >
This HiTS module is for programmers who want to place Perl or Tcl code directly into their web pages for rapid development of applications.

MBStat: Web Stats Analysis

MBStat provides web statistics that can be customized and targeted to give you a better understanding of your market. With MBStat, you can generate a wide range of different reports in straight forward, text formats. MBStat can also provide reports which analyze traffic by hour, day, month, week and year.

Features of MBStat include:

Domains, States, Cities
What cities and states are your visitors connecting from? Find out how people access your site and analyze your market by region.

Sections, Pages
Which sections, pages and cgi's on your site are the most popular? Know how much traffic all of the pages and sections of your website receive and analyze the interests of your visitors.

Which hosts are accessing your site the most? MBStat will show you how many impressions you receive from each host.

How is your site found? Get a sense of which pages of your site are being found by the search engines and which sites are linking to you.

What kind of computers and browsers are your customers using? Knowing this will allow you to modify the design of your site for the people who are viewing it.

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